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news & events / 07.16.20 /Kenneth R. Jacobs,Emanuela LupuandDomenick J. Tammaro

Webinar: Living in a COVID World – Confronting Real-Life Issues as Associations Reopen

Kenneth R. Jacobs, Domenick J. Tammaro, Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante led a Cooperator Town Hall Event on July 16, 2020.


Countless co-op and condo communities postponed their annual meetings this past spring thanks to the pandemic. Not only do those meetings still need to be held, but arrears are higher, sales are slower, and it looks like we’re on our own to deal with the lagging economy and the threat of a second COVID wave this winter. How can boards adapt? In this webinar, legal pros will discuss the importance of holding virtual meetings and voting on community business, and how those tasks can be carried out safely and legally in this extremely difficult time. We’ll cover how to keep your board nomination, election, and tabulation process fair and transparent, as well as give tips on dealing with arrears, slower sales, and long-term capital planning during the long, slow recovery.

To watch the webinar on demand, visit

This program was presented by The Cooperator New York.
Registration is required.

For more information contact:

Kenneth Jacobs

Domenick Tammaro

Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante