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News / 07.19.24 /Eric P. Blaha

Join Eric Blaha on September 10, 2024, at 5:00PM, to complete your Fair Housing training requirements!

To All Board Members and Property Managers, If you need to fulfill your mandatory Fair Housing training requirements under the new Westchester County law or other New York State law, please register for free by clicking the link below: CLICK HERE to register for Fair Housing training on Tuesday,  September 10th,  2024, at 5:00 pm Eric will …

News / 07.11.24 /Emanuela Lupu

Smith, Buss & Jacobs, LLP is proud to have been a sponsor and participant at the 2024 Morris-Jumel Mansion George Washington Dinner!

Smith, Buss & Jacobs, LLP is proud to have been a sponsor and participant at the 2024 Morris-Jumel Mansion George Washington Dinner! On Sunday, July 14, 2024, we celebrated Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. It was a wonderful evening filled with meaningful conversations and a shared commitment to these timeless values. Thanks to Emma …

News / 06.18.24 /Eric P. Blaha

Join Eric Blaha on July 23rd, 2024, at 5:00PM, to complete your Fair Housing training requirements! Alternate date available

To All Board Members and Property Managers, If you need to fulfill your mandatory Fair Housing training requirements under the new Westchester County law or other New York State law, please register for free by clicking the link below: CLICK HERE to register for Fair Housing training on Tuesday,  July 23rd, 2024, at 5:00 pm CLICK HERE …

News / 06.10.24 /Kenneth R. Jacobs

We are a proud participant at the Real Property Law Section Summer Meeting 2024

We’re excited to share that Kenneth R. Jacobs, a Partner at Smith Buss & Jacobs, LLP, will be attending the three-day NYSBA Real Property Law Section Summer Meeting in Montreal from July 11th- July 14th. Ken Jacobs attendance at this notable event highlights our firm’s commitment to staying at the forefront of real estate law …

News / 05.01.24 /Eric P. Blaha

Join Eric Blaha on June 10th, 2024, at 5:00PM, to complete your Fair Housing training requirements! Alternate date available

To All Board Members and Property Managers, If you need to fulfill your mandatory Fair Housing training requirements under the new Westchester County law or other New York State law, please register for free by clicking the link below: CLICK HERE to register for Fair Housing training on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 5:00 pm CLICK HERE …

News / 04.18.24 /Eric P. Blaha

Join Eric Blaha on April 25, 2024, at 5:00PM, to complete your Fair Housing training requirements! Alternate date available.

To All Board Members and Property Managers, If you need to fulfill your mandatory Fair Housing training requirements under the new Westchester County law or other New York State law, please register for free by clicking the link below: CLICK HERE to register for Fair Housing training on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 5:00 pm CLICK HERE …

News / 04.11.24 /Jack Malley

Severance Agreements CLE Webinar April 18th, 2024, hosted by Jack Malley

Severance Agreements Date: April 18th, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT Speaker: Jack Malley, Partner Cost: No Charge Credits: 1.5 (NY) Register here  Learn about: The fundamentals of severance agreements The newest laws and their impact Typical severance packages in today’s market; and Common negotiation points and tactics

News / 01.12.23 /Nancy Durand

Join Nancy Durand and Nonprofit Westchester on February 16, 2023 to discuss the top legal and governance issues for nonprofits.

Nancy Durand will be joined by Maurice Segall, the Director of the NY & Fairfield County Program at Pro Bono Partnership. The discussion will be held virtually on February 16th, 2023 from 9:00-10:30 AM. The talk is free for NPW members. Non-NPW members will have to pay $15.00 to register. Click here to register.

News / 11.10.21 /Kenneth R. Jacobsand

Webinar: A Matter of Trust – When Owners Transfer Apartments to Trusts, LLCs, & Other Legal Entities

Register NOW for our November 16th, Cooperator Town Hall Event at 2:00pm EST. Led by Kenneth R. Jacobs and A.J. Morgenstern. Shareholders and unit owners often seek to transfer ownership of their apartments to Revocable Living Trusts, Medicaid Trusts, Family Limited Liability Companies and other artificial entities in order to avoid probate and reduce their …

News / 07.16.21 /Kenneth R. Jacobs,Emanuela LupuandJennifer L. Stewart

Webinar: Legal Updates – New State, Local & Federal Legislation – What Boards Should Know

Register NOW for our June 29th, Cooperator Town Hall Event at 2:00pm EST. Led by Kenneth R. Jacobs, Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante, and Jennifer L. Stewart. Overview: The New York State legislature amended several important laws affecting co-ops and condos in the last two days of its session. Several new federal and local laws will also have …

News / 10.06.20 /Nancy Durand

Webinar: Best Practices to Avoid Breach of Fiduciary Duty Liability

Register HERE to join Nancy Durand, Special Counsel on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 12pm as she presents in the webinar sponsored by New York Council of Nonprofits Inc. “Join NYCON corporate ally, Smith Buss & Jacobs as they guide us through the best practices to avoid fiduciary duty liability. In this webinar they will …

News / 10.06.20 /Kenneth R. Jacobs,Emanuela LupuandDomenick J. Tammaro

Town Hall: Remote Control – Managing Meetings, Elections & Shareholder Anxiety during COVID

Kenneth R. Jacobs, Domenick J. Tammaro, Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante led a Cooperator Town Hall Event on October 6, 2020. Overview Countless co-op and condo communities postponed their annual meetings this past spring thanks to the pandemic. Not only do those meetings still need to be held, but arrears are higher, sales are slower, and it looks …

News / 08.14.20 /Nancy Durand

Webinar: How to Effectively Conduct an Internal Investigation

On August 20th, Special Counsel, Nancy Durand gave a webinar “How to Effectively Conduct an Internal Investigation” where she will discuss strategies for investigating workplace misconduct and other allegations. This webinar was hosted by The Knowledge Group. For more information contact: Nancy Durand

News / 08.13.20 /Eric P. BlahaandKenneth R. Jacobs

Webinar: Conducting Online Meetings – should the practice be continued?

Ken Jacobs & Eric Blaha were panelists on the webinar hosted by Hudson Valley CAI “HOAs-Discontinue Online Meetings and Voting?” held August 13th. Review the presentation materials here or watch the webinar recording here: Hudson Valley CAI “HOAs – Discontinue Online Meetings and Voting?” For more information contact: Eric Blaha at or Ken Jacobs …

News / 07.16.20 /Kenneth R. Jacobs,Emanuela LupuandDomenick J. Tammaro

Webinar: Living in a COVID World – Confronting Real-Life Issues as Associations Reopen

Kenneth R. Jacobs, Domenick J. Tammaro, Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante led a Cooperator Town Hall Event on July 16, 2020. Overview Countless co-op and condo communities postponed their annual meetings this past spring thanks to the pandemic. Not only do those meetings still need to be held, but arrears are higher, sales are slower, and it looks …

News / 06.30.20 /

Webinar: Addressing Lien Law 3A claims in and out of Bankruptcy Court

Overview Article 3A of the New York Lien Law sets up a system of trusts to make sure that construction moneys received by owners and contractors are applied to pay for the cost of the improvement. It also provides a mechanism for owners and subcontractors to claim diversion of funds against contractors who fail to …

News / 10.06.19 /

Firm News

Jacob Amir, a member of the New York State Bar Association’s Committee on Youth, Law and Citizenship, participated in the committee’s conference on October 3 and 4, 2019 on how school districts can better address student and faculty mental health and substance abuse issues.

News / 03.06.19 /Emanuela Lupu

CAI Long Island Chapter Meeting 3.28.19

Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante will be participating in an educational presentation on Delinquency & Foreclosure.

News / 09.28.18 /Kenneth R. Jacobs,Emanuela LupuandDomenick J. Tammaro

The Cooperator Expo 10.11.18

Partners Ken Jacobs, Domenick Tammaro & Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante are teaming up to discuss the unique challenges of co-op and condo governance.

Community Conflicts and Capital Plans – Two Top Issues Boards Must Face

News / 07.31.18 /Emanuela Lupu

Demystifying Housing 2018 Conference

Emanuela Lupu-Ferrante, Esq. will be presenting at the 2018 Demystifying Housing Conference along with other members of the HDFC Coalition.